What if we told you that you can get some amazingly cool gift cards, without the pain of moving out of your comfort zone? Well, that’s true!
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Hertzsurvey.com – Hertz Customer Satisfaction Survey Online
All thanks to the Hertz survey offer – where you just choose to fill out a simple survey, and if you are successful, and are lucky enough, you get to win an exciting gift card of Hertz!
That’s true! So, waste no more time and get going. Now, C’mon, fill it yourself, get the gift card and the spread the news as well! After all, why should you have all the fun, alone?
1] What is Hertz?
For all those folks who have been to the United States, or live there – are not unaware of the company! For those who don’t know – Hertz Corporation is one of the largest car rental companies operating out of the United States of America.
The company was founded in 1918, and today, it is spread across 150 countries. It has about 700, 000 machines spread all across the globe.
The company was pioneered by Walter L Jacobs. In fact, the demand for the cars of this company grew so much, that they were able to successfully launch rental kiosks at different airports in the year 2011.
2] About the Hertz Survey
Well, moving on – if you are wondering why such a successful company requires a survey, the answer is simple – the market is dynamic and every company needs to improvise each time in order to sustain itself in the market.
Same is the case with Hertz, and this survey has been made with the sole intention to understand the mindset of prospective customers and the experiences of existing customers.
In simple terms, when you take the survey, you will be asked questions related to your preferences and previous events with the Hertz company.
Anyone who has availed Hertz’s services before is entitled to participate in this survey and win a chance to win the gift card.
3] What will you need?
In order to be able to fill up the survey successfully, you will have to ensure that you have the following.
- A computer, laptop or smartphone.
- A good internet connection to be able to fill the survey.
- The original receipt of your purchase or service availed at Hertz.
- A rental record number – it is a 9 digit code number.
- You must be a legal citizen of the United States of America.
- You shall have attained the age of 18 at the least.
4] How to fill the survey
In order to fill in the form successfully and stand a chance to win the gift card, you can follow the below instructions on how to fill the survey
- Log on to the official website – hertzsurvey.com.
- You will be asked to punch in the 9 digit code number. This can be found on the top of your original receipt.
- Once you do that, fill in the access code. This is a 5-7 digit number, that is present at the bottom of your original receipt.
- After you key in the above two numbers, you will be directed to the main survey page. Ensure that you fill in all the details correctly.
- You will have a lot of open and close-ended A few questions will also ask you to rate a lot of services at Hertz. Please be unbiased and answer all the questions based on your experiences and feedback.
- Once you do that, all the answers keyed in by you will enter the monthly sweep stakes and all of those will stand a chance to win gift card. These gift cards can be availed for any product or service at any Hertz Outlet.
You will also find some additional space below certain questions, in order to be able to provide detailed feedback.
The entire survey filling will not take more than 5-7 minutes and can be done on your smart phone as well! So, what are you waiting for?
Get going, and while your travel in the cab, just take the survey! You can provide your feedback on any car rental service or an employee of Hertz as well. The personal details will not be shared with any outsiders.
5] Useful Links:
- Hertz Website: https://www.hertz.com.
- Survey Website: www.hertzsurvey.com.
- Hertz Survey Privacy Policy.
Hiccups does happen even in the biggest of organization Hertz is no different, I once had lost my electronic receipt.
Since the receipt was from a older date I reluctantly raised the issue with the support to get a secondary copy of it and it was solved at the brisk rate.